

Discussion of the Strategic Environmental Assessment Report of the program 2021-2027

The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, in its capacity as the Managing Authority (MA) of the INTERREG IPA cross-border cooperation program between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia for the programming period 2021-2027 on 20  January 2022 via Webex platform held a discussion of the Strategic Environmental Assessment Report of the program and the Territorial Strategy for Integrated Measures.

Public consultations on the Strategic Environmental Assessment Report (EIA) within the INTERREG IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Program between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia 2021-2027

Ministry of Local Self-Government (MоLSG), as National Authority (NA) of the INTERREG IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Program between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia for 2021-2027, held three public consultations regarding the Strategic Environmental Assessment Report (EAR), according to article  61, 69 and 70 from the law of the environment and the decree on public participation in the preparation of regulations and other acts, as well as plans and programs in the field of environment (Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia "147/08 and 45/11)

Working meeting under campaign for collecting projects that will be implemented under the Territorial Strategy for Integrated Measures

The Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Public Works and Head of the Managing Authority of the INTERREG - IPA CBC Programme between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia, Mrs. Nina Stoimenova held a working meeting in Blagoevgrad with local authorities, NGOs, museums, community centers and civil society from Southwestern Bulgaria in connection with the Campaign launched on November 9 to gather project ideas for implementation within the Integrated Territorial Strategy, which is part of the Program.

Questions and Answers under Guide for application with concept notes (Call 1) under the Territorial Strategy


Questions and Answers under Guide for application with concept notes (Call 1) under the Territorial Strategy of the INTERREG VI-A IPA Bulgaria North Macedonia Programme 2021-2027, Specific objective 1.2 “Development of an attractive, all-season tourism product by means of smart solutions tha