Тender procedure for Strategy, Capacity building and visibility (LOT 1 and LOT 2)

Тender procedure for Strategy, Capacity building and visibility (LOT 1 and LOT 2)

Project BGMK0300064  “Urban greening for healthy breathing”                                                                      

Title: TD 01 Strategy, Capacity building and visibility (LOT 1 and LOT 2)                                   

LOT 1 Consultancy and capacity building                                                                                        

 LOT 2 Communication and visibility materials                                                                        

REF No. TD01_PP3_BGMK0300064


Center for Development of Third-Northeast Planning Region Kumanovo is launching a tender procedure for TD 01 Strategy, Capacity building and visibility (LOT 1 and LOT 2). The tender procedure is under the implementation of project Urban greening for healthy breathing” BGMK0300064 with financial assistance from the Interreg - IPA CBC Programme Bulgaria – North Macedonia Programme 2021 - 2027. The tender dossier is available for inspection at Center for Development of Third-Northeast Planning Region Kumanovo, str. Ilindenska n.n., 1300 Kumanovo, North Macedonia and published on following websites: 



The deadline for submission of tender is 13.12.2024, 16:00 (local time). 


Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on following websites: 



The tender dossier is available HERE


The Contracting Authority is the body responsible for clarifications in relation to the tender.