European Commission

European Commission Webinar for Local and Regional Authorities: Opportunities for Citizen Participation in the EU

The European Commission will host a one-hour webinar on October 17, Thursday (11:30—12:30 Eastern European Time) on the topic: “How to Enable Citizens in Your Reg

Berovo - 07.10.2024

Flagship event marking the commencement of the activities under the project "Establishing of a New Border Cross Check Point (BCCP) Strumyani - Berovo (Klepalo)"

On 7th October 2024, in the town of Berovo, Republic of North Macedonia, the official event was held to mark the beginning of activities under the strategic project "Establishing of a Ne

Interreg Cooperation Day 2024

Interreg Cooperation Day 2024 – A Celebration of Cross-Border Success

On 28th of September 2024, on the picturesque Velbuzhd Square in Kyustendil, the Interreg Cooperation Day 2024 was held, organized within the framework of the traditional "Plodorodie" Fe