Invitation for participation in consultations on a draft of the EA Scoping report under the INTERREG IPA CBC Programme between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia for the programming period 2021-2027

Invitation for participation in consultations on a draft of the EA Scoping report under the INTERREG IPA CBC Programme between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia for the programming period 2021-2027

The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works as a Managing Authority (MA) of the INTERREG IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia 2021-2027 has launched consultations (in Bulgaria) on the Environmental Assessment (EA) Scoping report of the Programme and the Cross-border Strategy for Integrated Territorial Development.

The EA Scoping Report of the CBC Programme between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia 2021-2027 co-financed under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance III (IPA III), and the Cross-border Strategy for Integrated Territorial Development has been prepared within the framework of the environmental assessment procedures, in compliance with the requirements of Art. 19a of the Ordinance on the terms and conditions for conducting an environmental assessment of plans and programmes (EA Ordinance) and also in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Environment and Water (letter ref. № EC-17/29.06.2021) for carrying out a mandatory environmental assessment of the CBC Programme and the Cross-border Strategy for Integrated Territorial Development.

The EA Scoping Report aims to purpose the scope and content of the Environmental Assessment (EA) Report. All stakeholders can express opinions, incl. recommendations for the content and scope of the EA Report and proposals for extending the scope of the assessment.

The received on time opinions will consider the implications/performances in the preparation of the EA Report, which will ensure the achievement of the objectives of the EC procedures for the integration of environmental considerations in the design of the program and strategy and the danger to the environment and human health in their implementation.

Following EA Ordinance the EA Scoping Report are submitted for consultations on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works to the Ministry of Environment and Water - Article 19a, p. 1, Ministry of Health - Art. 19a, p.2 and to the public, other interested bodies and third parties - Article 19a, p. 3.

The EA Scoping Report is provided by the MRDPW, in its capacity as a MA under the programme to the Programme National Authority (NA) - Ministry of Local Self-Government in the Republic of North Macedonia.

The deadline to submit the positions is July 28, 2021 (14 days from the start) in the electronic form via e-mail address:

The full text of the document you may find attached below.

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1.scoping_report_eng.pdf 1.28 MB