Launch of consultations on the Environmental Assessment Report under the INTERREG IPA CBC Programme between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia 2021-2027

Launch of consultations on the Environmental Assessment Report under the INTERREG IPA CBC Programme between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia 2021-2027

The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, in its capacity as the Managing Authority (MA) of the INTERREG IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Republic of North Macedonia for the programming period 2021-2027 has launched consultations on the Environmental Assessment Report (ECA), according to Art. 20, (1), (2) and (3), and Art. 21, (1), p. 1 of the Ordinance on the terms and conditions for carrying out an environmental assessment of plans and programs (Title amended, SG No. 3/2006).

The full text of the announcement for the start of consultations, the ECA Report and its annexes, the projects of the INTERREG IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Bulgaria-Republic of North Macedonia 2021-2027 and the Territorial Strategy for Integrated Measures under the Programme can be found in attachments.

The documents are available in the building of the Territorial Cooperation Management Directorate - 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria, Str. Stefan Karadja № 9, every working day from 9:30 to 17:00.

The deadline to submit the positions on the spot and by letters through the office in the building of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, at the address: Sofia 1202, Sveti Sveti Cyril and  Methodii ”№ 17 - 19 or by e-mail: until January 17, 2022.