INVITATION TO TENDER FOR “Preparation of Urban Plan, Urban Project, Project Designs and drafting Tender Dossier (Volume III, IV and V), including designers supervision during construction of the works on BCCP Klepalo"

INVITATION TO TENDER FOR “Preparation of Urban Plan, Urban Project, Project Designs and drafting Tender Dossier (Volume III, IV and V), including designers supervision during construction of the works on BCCP Klepalo"

The Customs Administration of the Republic of North Macedonia has published INVITATION TO TENDER FOR:  “Preparation of Urban Plan, Urban Project, Project Designs and drafting Tender Dossier (Volume III, IV and V), including designers supervision during construction of the works on Klepalo for the Project "Establishing of a new border cross check point (BCCP) Strumyani - Berovo (Klepalo) between Bulgaria and North Macedonia" Location: Skopje, Berovo, Reference no. BCCPK/DS 01.T1, financed under INTERREG VI-A IPA Bulgaria-North Macedonia Programme,CCI 2021TC16IPCB006.

Invitation to Tender and the Tender Dossier is accessible at the following link:


The tender dossier is available HERE


The Contracting Authority is the body responsible for clarifications in relation to the tender.

