Successful Online Training Session implementation of projects under Priority 1 "Greener Border Region"

Successful Online Training Session implementation of projects under Priority 1 "Greener Border Region"

Training 11.07.2024

On 11 July 2024, an online training session was conducted for beneficiaries involved in the implementation of projects under Priority 1 "Greener Border Region." This event took place on the Webex platform and saw the participation of representatives from all five projects that recently signed subsidy agreements earlier this month.

The training aimed to equip the project representatives with essential knowledge and skills needed for the successful execution of their projects. Key topics discussed during the session included: Technical Implementation of the Projects, Reporting and Monitoring, Closing the Projects, Financial Reporting, Public Procurements and Common Mistakes, Irregularities, JeMS System Usage, Verification of Costs and Information and Publicity.

The training was led by experts from the Joint Secretariat and the Directorate "Territorial Cooperation Management" at the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works. Their comprehensive presentations provided the beneficiaries with the necessary tools and knowledge to successfully manage and implement their projects.

Participants were encouraged to actively engage throughout the session, with ample opportunities to ask questions and seek clarifications on various aspects of project implementation. This interactive approach ensured that all participants could address their specific concerns and gain a thorough understanding of the requirements and best practices for their projects.

This training marks a significant step forward in the implementation of projects under Priority 1 "Greener Border Region", ensuring that all project representatives are well prepared to efficiently and effectively execute their projects, contributing to a more sustainable and greener border region.