The Regional Council for the Development of the Southwest Planning Region issued letters of support to the Bulgarian partners in the five approved project proposals under Priority 1 "Greener Border Region" of the Interreg VI-A IPA Bulgaria-North Macedonia Programme. The letters express the positive opinion that the planned activities will have a significant effect on socio-economic development, which will improve the well-being of the residents of the region and provide more places for recreation in urban spaces. Last but not least, the investment proposals will reduce the emission of carbon emissions and increase the purity of the atmospheric air.
With the implementation of the approved projects, the beneficiaries of the program will contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Integrated Territorial Strategy for the Development of the South-West Region, priority 3 "Better connected and sustainable region", Specific objective 3.2 "Investments for ecological infrastructure and biodiversity", and -specially:
• Planning and implementing joint projects for the protection of nature and biological diversity and investing in joint actions to mitigate climate change, with a strong emphasis on sustainable and ecological measures;
• Support joint cross-border actions to improve recycling rates and promote the transition to a low-carbon economy, including awareness-raising campaigns to promote sustainable practices and behavior;
• Joint measures to prevent air pollution through more efficient use of resources.
The contracts for the five project proposals with a total value of 4.1 million euros are also to be signed:
1. Municipality of Petrich, project BGMK0300051 with the project title: "Green Pulse Cross-Border Pact" - for a total value of 945,135 euros;
2. Municipality of Dupnitsa, project BGMK0300,053 with the project title "PARKS - Preserving Areas through Regional Knowledge and Sustainability" - with a total value of 894,829 euros;
3. Municipality of Bansko, project BGMK0300055 with the project title: "Let's Invite the Nature In Our Cities" - with a total value of 866,534 euros;
4. Municipality of Gotse Delchev, project BGMK0300060 with the project title "TTransforming of urban sites with Green infrastructures" - with a total value of 867,653 euros;
5. Municipality of Kyustendil, project BGMK0300064 with the name "Urban greening for healthy breathing" - with a total value of 541,709 euros.