Public consultations on the Guide for application with concept notes under Programme priority 3 “Integrated Development of the Cross-Border Region"

Public consultations on the Guide for application with concept notes under Programme priority 3 “Integrated Development of the Cross-Border Region"

The Operational Unit of the Territorial Strategy Management Board of the INTERREG-IPA Bulgaria North Macedonia 2021-2027 Programme launches public consultations on the Guide for application with concept notes under the Territorial Strategy of the Programme. The purpose of the call is to identify project ideas that would contribute to the development of competitive tourism in the cross-border region. Applicants of selected project ideas will be invited to submit full project proposals and get funded under Programme priority 3 “Integrated Development of the Cross-Border Region".

Stakeholders are welcome to submit their comments, supported by concrete proposals for revision of the texts on the documents, no later than 27 April 2023 at

Guide for application with concept notes is available HERE

TABLE of the comments received during Public consultations on the GUIDE FOR APPLICATION WITH CONCEPT NOTES (Call 1) is available HERE