On 28 of March 2023, the second meeting of the Strategy Board of the Territorial Strategy under Interreg VI-A IPA Bulgaria - North Macedonia Programme 2021 -2027 was held in Sofia.
The meeting was led by the Chairperson Mr. Ilko Stojanov - Mayor of the Municipality of Blagoevgrad and Cohairperson Mrs. Andrea Zlatkovska from the East Planning Region. The representatives of Managing Authority (MA) Mrs. Desislava Georgieva - Deputy Minister for Regional Development and Public Works and Tatjana Janevska from the Ministry of Local Self-Government – National Authority (NA) of the Programme addressed the attendees.
At this session, the members of the Strategic Board reviewed and adopted the Methodology for identification of concept notes, the draft Guidelines for Application with concept notes, the Set up a Governance Project for the implementation of the Territorial Strategy and discussed other issues related to the functioning of the Strategic Board.