Tender procedure for Work Green infrastructure - Shtip

Tender procedure for Work Green infrastructure - Shtip

Project BGMK0300060 “Transforming of urban sites with Green infrastructures” 


Municipality of Shtip is launching a tender procedure for Work Green infrastructure - Shtip. The tender procedure is under the implementation of project Transforming of urban sites with Green infrastructures” with financial assistance from the Interreg - IPA CBC Programme Bulgaria – North Macedonia Programme 2021 - 2027. The tender dossier is available for inspection at Municipality of Shtip , str.Vasil Glavinov 4B,  2000 Shtip and published on following websites: 

https://ipa-bgmk.mrrb.bg ; https://stip.gov.mk/; https://e-nabavki.gov.mk;



The deadline for submission of tender is 29.11.2024, 15:30 (local time). 

Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on following websites: 

https://ipa-bgmk.mrrb.bg; https://stip.gov.mk/


The tender dossier is available HERE


The Contracting Authority is the body responsible for clarifications in relation to the tender.